Energy & Environment

Rahall touts fight against EPA rule in new ad

Rep. Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) is using his efforts against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed carbon limits for power plants in a new campaign ad.

The ad uses the EPA rules to demonstrate Rahall’s support for the coal industry and opposition to environmental regulations that could harm it. Rahall’s Republican opponent Evan Jenkins and outside groups have sought to link Rahall to liberal environmental policies.

{mosads}“Nick Rahall voted against the cap-and-trade bill and is leading a bipartisan fight to stop new EPA rules that could kill West Virginia coal jobs,” the announcer says, referring to a 2009 carbon emissions cap-and-trade bill and last week’s power plant rules. The rule are expected to reduce coal demand by about 27 percent, which could hurt a state that depends on coal for its economy and energy.

“It’s true: Nick Rahall is fighting for West Virginia’s heritage and future,” the announcer says.

Rahall has made it a priority in his campaign to show his dedication to the coal industry. He blasted the rules before they were even unveiled and immediately vowed to introduce a bill to roll them back.

Rahall and Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) introduced their bill Tuesday, seeking to block not just the latest EPA rule, but an earlier proposal to limit carbon pollution from new power plants and any similar rules proposed in the next five years.

Jenkins, a West Virginia state senator, has tried to connect Rahall to Democratic policies that he said would ruin the coal industry.