
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Keystone XL talks get hotter

US AND CANADA GET COZY: There was no end to the number of senators touting their obsession with the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline on Wednesday.

Top Canadian officials made their rounds bopping from office to office for press conferences, voicing their strong support for approving the controversial TransCanada pipeline.

{mosads}Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird, and Gary Doer, ambassador to the U.S., met with Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) on Wednesday.

E2-Wire reported on what was discussed in the meetings here.

ON TAP THURSDAY: A major part of President Obama’s second-term legacy — his Climate Action Plan — will be placed under the microscope on Thursday.

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing on Obama’s climate agenda. You can expect a heated debate. Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy and chairwoman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality Nancy Sutley are among those testifying.

ON TAP THURSDAY II: The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will vote on a slew of Interior and Energy Department nominees.


BP says U.S. energy production will far outpace its consumption by 2035. You can thank growth in the natural-gas and renewable energy industries, which should eclipse oil and coal.

You can read the details of BP’s report here. And The Houston Chronicle explains it here.

Bloomberg reports bigger trees grow faster than smaller ones, meaning they will absorb carbon dioxide faster.

“Growth rates increased with size in 97 percent of tropical and temperate trees, according to a study published today of more than 650,000 individual trees from 403 species,” according to Bloomberg.



Here’s what ran on E2-Wire on Wednesday …

– Senators ready to fight for Keystone XL
– EPA issues hazardous waste-tracking regs
– Murkowski calls for updating ‘antiquated’ energy trade policies
– GOP senator blasts railcar reg delays
– DOT to issue stronger tanker car regs in 2015
– Global investment in renewables fell in 2013