
Trump Navy secretary nominee moves forward to Senate vote

The Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday approved investment banker and former Marine Corps pilot Richard V. Spencer to serve as the top civilian official in the Navy.

Lawmakers approved Spencer in a voice vote, sending his nomination for Navy secretary to the full Senate, according to a statement from the committee.


Spencer is expected to easily win confirmation after a majority of senators on Tuesday praised his background during his confirmation hearing.

Spencer currently heads Fall Creek Management LLC, a private Wyoming-based consulting firm, and has worked for several major Wall Street firms including Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Bear Sterns and Paine Webber.

He is also a former Marine helicopter pilot and spent five years on the Defense Business Board, including in the role of vice chairman.

“It seems that you are doing well, and I think I intend to join a unanimous committee in supporting your confirmation,” Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) told Spencer.

President Trump named Spencer for the position in early June, his second pick for the post.

The previous Navy secretary nominee, Philip Bilden, withdrew from consideration in February after he was unable to untangle his business interests to take the position.