National Security Shimon Peres saw it coming, and the Emirates made it happen National Security / 3 years ago by Dov S. Zakheim, opinion contributor 02/04/22 10:00 AM ET
Foreign Policy Israel’s Peres wanted peace, but he was no Mandela Foreign Policy / 8 years ago by Diana Buttu, contributor 10/07/16 2:37 PM ET
International Shimon Peres sought security through peace International / 8 years ago by Guy Ziv 10/04/16 7:41 AM ET
International Affairs A personal view of Shimon Peres, the leader, man and friend International Affairs / 8 years ago by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, contributor 09/28/16 7:45 AM ET
News Ex-Israeli president hospitalized after stroke News / 8 years ago by Mark Hensch 09/13/16 2:34 PM ET
International The breakaway republic of Israel International / 11 years ago by Bernie Quigley 08/04/14 12:00 PM ET
International A new era follows Israel’s Peres into retirement International / 11 years ago by Bernie Quigley 06/27/14 2:00 PM ET
Middle East/North Africa Israeli president willing to meet Iran’s Rouhani Middle East/North Africa / 11 years ago by Rebecca Shabad 12/08/13 8:41 AM ET
Middle East/North Africa Kerry presses Israel on settlements Middle East/North Africa / 11 years ago by Julian Pecquet 11/06/13 4:08 PM ET