Immigration We must stop excluding Afghan women and children from visa eligibility Immigration / 3 years ago by Laura Collins and Natalie Gonnella-Platts, opinion contributors 02/15/22 2:30 PM ET
International Will the US abandon the women and girls of Afghanistan? International / 3 years ago by Natalie Gonnella-Platts and Paul Fagan, opinion contributors 12/10/21 10:30 AM ET
International America must do more to protect our Afghan allies International / 3 years ago by Natalie Gonnella-Platts and Laura Collins, opinion contributors 08/22/21 9:00 AM ET
International Any hope of a stable Afghanistan requires us to support Afghan women International / 4 years ago by Natalie Gonnella-Platts and Farhat Popal, opinion contributors 07/28/21 6:30 PM ET