Finance From robber barons to tech bros: The origins of the anti-trust paradox Finance / 1 year ago by Michael Patrick Cullinane, Opinion Contributor 10/25/23 3:45 PM ET
Video Biden aims to force companies to reveal hidden ‘junk fees’ Video / 1 year ago by Chip Brewster 10/11/23 11:07 AM ET
Health Care Feds crack down on THC edibles ‘nearly identical’ to common snacks Health Care / 1 year ago by Olafimihan Oshin 07/05/23 4:28 PM ET
Technology Exclusive: Meta faces pressure to support independent audit of risk oversight committee Technology / 2 years ago by Rebecca Klar 05/25/23 12:45 PM ET
Health Care Fertility app Premom to pay $200K after sharing sensitive user data Health Care / 2 years ago by Julia Mueller 05/18/23 5:08 PM ET
Business Corporate America seeks to unravel FTC noncompete ban Business / 2 years ago by Karl Evers-Hillstrom 04/20/23 6:00 AM ET
Senate Hawley proposes ban on social media for kids under 16 Senate / 2 years ago by Jared Gans 02/15/23 7:08 PM ET
Business Biden has big plans for junk fees, a billionaire’s tax and paid leave. But can he actually enact them? Business / 2 years ago by Karl Evers-Hillstrom 02/10/23 4:41 PM ET
Technology GoodRx illegally shared health data with tech giants to target ads, government alleges Technology / 2 years ago by Rebecca Klar 02/01/23 11:27 AM ET
Cybersecurity Will 2023 be the year we make big progress on privacy? Cybersecurity / 2 years ago by Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Opinion Contributor 01/12/23 5:30 PM ET
Opinion Non-compete agreements are a market failure. But change must come through legislation, not regulatory fiat Opinion / 2 years ago by Eli Lehrer, Opinion Contributor 01/09/23 3:00 PM ET
Business FTC orders Mastercard to not block use of competing debit payment networks Business / 2 years ago by Jared Gans 12/23/22 5:38 PM ET
Technology Twitter Blue sign ups disappear from app after fake account chaos Technology / 2 years ago by Rebecca Klar 11/11/22 11:03 AM ET
Technology FTC says it’s ‘tracking the developments at Twitter with deep concern’ Technology / 2 years ago by Brad Dress 11/10/22 1:23 PM ET
Administration How to tell if you’re the victim of a student loan scam — and what to do about it Administration / 2 years ago by Aris Folley and Lexi Lonas 10/26/22 5:57 PM ET
Technology The federal government conducted an investigation of Big Tech’s privacy practices. Where are the results? Technology / 2 years ago by Joel Thayer, Opinion Contributor 10/26/22 8:00 AM ET