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Estonia’s prime minister: Russia has no say in NATO decisions

Tensions in Europe have risen to unprecedented levels. Russia is amassing its forces along the Ukrainian border and this has been accompanied by aggressive rhetoric and intimidation. While threatening Ukraine, Russia has issued ultimatum-like demands to the United States of America and NATO. Russia demands that NATO not only stop its open-door policy but reverse its previous decisions, essentially also dismantling collective defense in the Baltic Sea region. 

What we have long suspected is now very clearly being spelled out: Russia’s aim is to restore its political and military influence over its neighbors. In other words, divide Europe into spheres of influence as it was during the Cold War.  

The current negotiating tactics of the Kremlin call to mind the three rules of former Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko: 

These are the same tactics the Kremlin is using today. And we must not fall for the trap, designed to coax us into making concessions regarding Europe’s security. However small those concessions might be, they would give Russia something it did not have before.   

In parallel with military threats, we are also witnessing increasing repressions on the part of the Russian authorities against their own citizens, the most symbolic being the closure of Memorial International, the organization which investigated Soviet-era repressions. The forced closure of Memorial tramples on the memory of victims of communism. Impeding the investigation of mass crimes and wiping them from the collective memory paves the way for such crimes to be committed in the future.  

Moscow has issued its demands. But negotiations do not take place at gunpoint. This was made clear in a recent meeting between NATO and Russia, in which 30 NATO allies sent out a single, resolute message: Russia has no say in the decisions NATO takes.  

Unfortunately, there are no signs that Moscow has any plans to ease tensions. It is clear that we must be prepared for the continued escalation of the situation on Russia’s part and for further-reaching aggression against Ukraine.  

Considering our geographical location and the fact that the demands that have been made partly also apply to us, the Estonian government is approaching this issue on four fronts:  

In addition to boosting the capabilities of defense forces to react rapidly, a significant proportion of the additional funding is allocated to ensure the sufficiency of supplies, including essential ammunition. We will also spend on improving civilian elements of national defense as well as further securing government communication networks.   

All these objectives have been set out in our existing plans, but we are now implementing them quicker. We take our security seriously and we are ready to take extra steps to ensure it. While we rely on our allies in terms of some key military capabilities, together we are prepared to match our words with actions.   

The guiding principle of Estonia´s foreign policy since restoring our independence has been ‘Never alone again’ — this is truer than ever today. We are committed to working with the free world and allies to protect the right of countries to be democracies and to freely choose their alliances.    

Kaja Kallas is the prime minister of Estonia.