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Protecting steel as price is at a 7-year high is a head-scratcher

Steel trade enforcement and infrastructure were key items on the Trump administration’s agenda early this week — at a time when some steel prices in the U.S. are approaching seven-year highs.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump went to Capitol Hill to meet with a bipartisan group of lawmakers to talk about trade issues, including the Department of Commerce’s Section 232 reports on the effects of steel and aluminum imports on U.S. national security, submitted to the president in January.

{mosads}The president said “all options” to address the impact of steel and aluminum imports are now being considered.

“I want to keep prices down, but I also want to make sure that we have a steel industry and an aluminum industry, and we do need that for national defense,” Trump said Tuesday.

Fair enough. Let’s examine where steel prices are, where they were and how they might react to stiffer trade restrictions.

Already, in fact, steel prices are up; way up — for a steel material that finds its way into automotive, appliance, agriculture, pipelines, machinery, construction and many other applications.

Flash back for some possible insight on domestic steel price performance after the imposition of trade restrictions: President George W. Bush on March 5, 2002 signed an order to increase tariffs on imports of certain steel products, effective March 20 of that same year.

Bush’s action was taken based on Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974. Section 201 allows an industry injured, or threatened with injury, to be safeguarded by duties or other temporary import-relief measures.

Here are the historic prices for U.S.-made hot-rolled coil, for the months in 2002 just prior to Bush’s order, and after:

Section 201 market impact, 2002

Price of Steel Hot-rolled Coil

January, 2002

$230 per ton



March   (Section 201 tariffs effective)










Source: S&P Global Platts

July of 2002 represented the peak for that year at $395, which was 47-percent higher than just four months earlier. The price declined steadily, to $350 by November and $315 by December.

Nonetheless, from April — immediately after the Section 201 import restrictions — through the end of December, the price averaged $349 per ton. That was $119 more than where it began 2002 (at $230 per ton) and some 52-percent higher.

President Bush’s Section 201 steel tariffs were originally slated to last three years, but they were lifted 14 months sooner, on Dec. 4, 2003.

Like Trump, Bush promised the American steel industry relief. Strikingly similar, Bush pledged a three-pronged approach: launching negotiations to establish disciplines on government subsidies and other market distortions in the steel sector; working to reduce inefficient excess capacity in the global steel market; and requesting initiation of a Section 201.

While the Trump administration chose the Section 232 path — on national security grounds — over Section 201 safeguard measures, there is another important distinction: When Bush acted, the price of steel hot-rolled coil was at a 20-year low.

Trump’s decision will likely come when the price is close to a seven-year high.

Joe Innace is the content director of Metals/Americas for S&P Global Platts. He’s also an award-winning business writer, recognized as Steel Journalist of 2015 by the World Steel Association.