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Webb: This is the best we can do?

The great comedian and social commentator George Carlin said it best when it comes to politicians, the American people and their relationship to each other: “This is the best we can do.” 

Comedy often takes the normal and puts it into the realm of the absurd, but commentary by a comedian of Carlin’s stature is best remembered when it’s the absurd that is true. There are words used by Mr. “Seven Dirty Words” that I cannot use here, but feel free to Google it: His rant will make you laugh and scratch your head in recognition.

{mosads}He goes on to say politics is plainly garbage in, garbage out. Like many of you reading this, Carlin says the politicians suck — but then he turns it on the people who make the choice to put those politicians in office and says maybe we’re the ones who suck. 

As of Tuesday night, five more states — Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania — will have completed another round of voting in the Republican and Democratic primaries. Every candidate, on both sides of the aisle, will claim a victory of sorts, and soon we’ll be on to the next round in states like Oregon, New Mexico and Indiana.

Too often America forgets that the system can become a problem that cannot be resolved by one or two well-intentioned elected officials. I can appreciate the fervor with which many support their candidate, on either side of the political aisle. I have interviewed both supporters and protesters and find more similarities than differences between them. Yes, the extreme left and the extreme right often dominate the news cycle — in our business, the rule is “if it bleeds, it leads.” Americans have let the political class create the political cycle culture. 

We need to start over, with simple skepticism and cynicism. This is in large part what gave rise to the Tea Party movement and, to be fair, some elements of the Occupy movement. While I disagree with 99.9 percent of what the so-called 99 percenters have to say, disaffection caused by failure to provide solutions is a common thread that gives weight to the rise of populism. Populism is good because it embraces a broader swath of America, but we cannot let it or pure democracy overwhelm a representative republic. That is also dangerous.

Our system of government by its original design, coupled with our capitalist economic system, is the most moral basis for a society. Right now, many of you will say, “But what about our Judeo-Christian values?” Judeo-Christian values, as with any societal basis, cannot survive without a moral government and the economic opportunity that provides the best path to achieving our dreams. This is why socialism in any form does not work. Socialism is envy and redistribution, not ability and achievement.

The presidential election cycle has given a pass to our politicians in Congress because they are not often in the news unless they choose to be. Even at the state level, governors and legislatures have been sheepishly quiet when you consider we have 50 states plus the territories. With most of the attention focused on the “political furious five,” Americans often forget to check on what the House, Senate and state leadership are doing on their behalf — or contrary to their needs. At least at the municipal level, with the exception of the bigger cities, some live down the street from their mayor and the councilmen — or is it now councilpersons, in this politically correct environment? We the people elect them, and the day after the election, the low percentage who turned out to vote feel good about having done their civic duty. 

But nothing could be further from the truth. 

If we want to solve the issues facing us at all levels, we have to do something on the day after the election — every election — and continue to stay involved until the next one. I’m not suggesting a never-ending political cycle, as evidenced by Hillary Clinton’s video announcing the one-year anniversary of her campaign, or the even longer anniversary period since the first announcement on the Republican side by Ted Cruz. I’m addressing civic responsibility. While many schools may not teach civics, and when they do many often do not teach it without an agenda, it doesn’t remove the responsibility of the citizenry to learn it properly and act insistently outside of the political cycle.

No matter the outcome of any election at any level of government, we the people have to stay involved, or the candidates’ promises will not likely become reality. It’s simple: Do something.

Webb is host of “The David Webb Show” on SiriusXM Patriot 125, a Fox News contributor and has appeared frequently on television as a commentator. Webb co-founded TeaParty365 in New York City. His column appears twice a month in The Hill.