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Campaign finance reform a must going forward

When an outside group can raise more money than a candidate themselves to influence the outcome of an election, there is a cancer on our democracy.

The amount of money raised and spent this election cycle for president, Senate and House is obscene. Now is the time for serious and meaningful campaign finance reforms.

How do we limit the amount of influence and donation from outsiders? I suggest the following steps be taken to level the political playing field so that the biggest voices heard during election campaigns come from the candidates themselves and the citizens who have the paramount interest in the outcome.

U.S. House races 

U.S. Senate Races 

(The rules for Senate races will be the same for those of the House, except that they will apply to the respective state as opposed to a congressional district.) 

Presidential races  

Self-Funded Campaigns 

Today, citizens can only vote in the district of their domicile. A citizen does not have the right to vote in the district of their choosing. Corporations and unions should only be allowed to influence an election if they have a nexus to that district/state.

It makes no sense for outsiders to have undue or unfair amounts of influence on elections in which they have no nexus.

These new rules would make representatives more beholden to their constituents. I always found it very strange when a New York congressman would attend a fundraiser for his own campaign in Arizona. Also, matching a personal wealth contribution beyond a threshold by the U.S. government will ensure that no citizen will have the chance to “buy” an election.

The elimination of outside influence would reduce the vast amounts of money candidates and parties would need to raise and would give more of a voice to those who have the greatest stake in the outcome of an election: the voters, corporations, unions and interest groups within a particular district or state. Today, it is possible for outside groups to wield more power and influence than the candidates themselves, and that is wrong.

Now is the time for fair and reasonable campaign finance reform. It is not in America’s interest to continue to allow elections to be conducted in disregard of the rights of candidates and the people most affected by an election’s outcome.

Common sense solutions to problems that aren’t going away is the only solution to protecting the election process and the vote.

Bradley A. Blakeman was a deputy assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2004. He is a principal of the 1600 Group, a strategic communications firm.