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Gorka, Crowley: Trump speech ‘pitch perfect,’ ‘all the right notes’

Conservatives reacted to President Trump’s Tuesday State of the Union address with praise in reactions provided to The Hill.
“It hit all the right notes,” said former Trump advisor Dr. Sebastian Gorka. “It wasn’t divisive. He was classic Trump, whether it was building the wall, whether it was pride in our flag, whether it was supporting our troops, our border patrol, our ICE agents … as far as I’m concerned, he knocked it out of the ballpark tonight.”
{mosads}Monica Crowley, a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, echoed the sentiment. “This speech was pitch perfect in tone and very powerful in substance. I think he knocked out the opposition.”
Crowley said some conservatives might question his message on immigration, but that it wouldn’t cause him to lose much support.
“He talked about the four pillars [of immigration]. Number one [is] legalizing the Dreamer [and a] pathway to citizenship [for] 1.8 million. That was not the deal. The original deal was 800,000, now we’re talking a million more. Some estimate the number to be as high as four million. So I think he’s going to get a lot of resistance from conservatives and others on that issue.
“But he did back it up with the final three pillars, which conservatives are really going to like. Number one, the wall … the single most important thing that got the man elected in 2016; ending chain migration; and ending the visa lottery. Those three things, I think, are non-negotiable. The Dreamers are negotiable, and I think this man will be able to work some sort of deal. It may not make everyone happy, but he will get a deal done.”