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Party loyalty will be our end

The donkey, symbol of the Democratic Party, and the elephant, symbol of the Republican Party, are shown in this Sept. 12, 2018 photo.

Once a small segment of our existence — a mere association with a group whose ideas align with ours, on average — political parties have evolved from simple associations into our primary identities for many Americans. They have absorbed our perspectives, entered our daily conversation, and permeated all forms of media. As more and more individuals become radicalized within their own parties, we must consider whether party loyalty has gone too far. 

It seems logical to me that there would be only a small number of people whose ideas perfectly match those of their party and its leaders. As we listen to the media and observe a rising number of real-life individuals who fit this criterion, it becomes evident that party loyalty has supplanted reasoning and individualism for many people; it has become the mainstream, not the fringe. 

It is difficult to fault anybody for embracing radical beliefs. Given the substantial sums poured into pushing political propaganda through mainstream media outlets, it is easy to assume that the beliefs being promoted are the most reasonable, especially given that those advocating for these views may have access to more information than the average person. 

Consequently, when the unusual ostensibly becomes the mainstream, an increasing number of people prefer to follow without much thought. Fortunately, although their numbers are growing fast, there are considerably fewer ardent loyalists than there are sensible individuals. Despite this, the most irrational among us are frequently the loudest, and our political leaders listen to the loudest individuals because they’re the ones they can hear. 

Loyalists preach as if they represent the majority and terrible policy decisions are made — a sad reality. Frequently, party loyalists develop and advocate for policies that are damaging and nonsensical. 

This is true for both the Republican and Democratic parties. If a Democrat, for example, believes that the rights of transgender people should be supported, this does not necessarily imply that they favor radical measures such as sex changes for and drag-performance teaching of elementary school-aged children. Likewise, if most Republicans support curbing illegal immigration, it does not necessarily follow that they support erecting a wall or transporting migrants to sanctuary states. Support is sometimes passive, and not active. 

Why is it that we rarely hold party loyalists accountable when they cause division and destruction for the rational members?

To expose the underbelly of politics and deter people from succumbing to compelling but damaging arguments of political leaders, accountability is absolutely essential if we desire a better nation. Without a commitment to our own principles and belief in ourselves, rather than our political leaders, we risk being victimized by the propaganda-pushing serpents who wish to keep us enmeshed in despair and to maintain their hold on our lives. We cannot become pawns for them to manipulate as they see fit — nor can we become that small group of party loyalists victimizing the innocent. 

Once people learn that they should be loyal to their own principles, it’s simple to teach them not to become victims. They can avoid falling prey to groupthink, and they can prevent themselves from being used to harm others. 

When we were young children, before we were introduced to politics, our values were formed at home. For America’s older generation, illegal immigration and transgenderism were not subjects taught in the classroom. 

A person may or may not be religious; they may believe it is acceptable to lie, cheat and even steal more often than others believe, and they may have differing views on what is good, bad or fair. All of these qualities, and more, underpin virtually every political stance, yet so many individuals have become so rigid in their political views that they frequently lose sight of why they hold these beliefs.  

Our nation stands at a crossroads. Will we choose to be loyal to our respective political parties or to ourselves? I do hope that we choose the latter; that we realize that the only ones looking out for our best interests are our family, friends and, of course, ourselves. 

Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is the owner and manager of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the Year. He is the author of “Reawakening Virtues.”