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Americans aren’t fooled by Democrats’ disastrous record

President Joe Biden speaks on the March jobs report at the White House in Washington, D.C., on Friday, April 1, 2022.

It’s April Fools’ Day — the perfect opportunity for Democrats to double down on their efforts to dupe the American people into voting blue this November. Apparently, Democrats think Americans are gullible enough to believe two more years of Democratic rule would solve the crises facing our country. But voters aren’t fooled. They know Democrats are the ones who created these disasters.

In fact, Americans are reminded of just how hard they’ve been hit by Democratic policies every time they fuel up. Thanks to Joe Biden, 33 states have reached new record-high gas prices. In March, U.S. gas prices rose nearly 50 cents in seven days — just shy of the national record. In some states, a gallon of gas is going for more than $7

Biden is blaming the war in Ukraine for the surge in energy prices. But voters know they’ve been paying more for gas for months thanks to Biden’s war on American energy. Starting on his first day in office, Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, reinstated burdensome Obama-era energy regulations and throttled U.S. oil and gas production. Not only have these actions made gas more expensive, but they’ve also undermined our national security, making us dependent on foreign nations to power our country.

And it’s not just gas. Biden’s reckless economic policies are causing prices to rise for everything from basic goods like milk and eggs to electricity and used cars. Inflation is at its highest rate in 40 years. And while Biden initially insisted this inflation was “transitory” and a “high-class problem,” even his own administration is now admitting it’s not going away anytime soon. This isn’t just a statistic. It affects real families already struggling to make ends meet. Biden promised he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making “under $400,000.” But a new analysis from Bloomberg found inflation is taxing the average American family $433 each month. Biden never cared about middle and working-class families. He only wanted their votes.

Americans are seeing the evidence of failed policies in their communities, too. Democrats’ support for defunding the police, soft-on-crime district attorneys and bail “reform” that puts criminals back on the streets led to all-time homicide records in 12 major cities run by Democrats last year. Ambush attacks against police officers have surged 115 percent since 2020. In some areas of the country, carjackings and organized “smash-and-grab” robberies are becoming regular parts of life. And with our southern border out of control, violent crime and lethal drugs are pouring in, only adding to the chaos. Americans aren’t safe in their own neighborhoods and desperately want a return to law and order. As a result, Democrats are trying to run from their records, with Biden trying to fool Americans with a changed tune on crime. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki absurdly tried to frame Republicans as the anti-police party. But Americans know it was Democrats who turned on our men and women in blue.

Then there’s Biden’s performance on the world stage. Despite Biden’s grandstanding about going “toe-to-toe” with Putin, Russia invaded Ukraine on Biden’s watch, creating chaos around the globe. And it was Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left behind billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded military equipment and abandoned American citizens behind enemy lines. Biden promised to make America respected around the world again. Instead, he’s presided over an international embarrassment, signaling weakness to our enemies and shaking our allies’ trust. At a time when America must project strength and leadership, our commander-in-chief offers only confusion and mistakes. 

But despite Democrats’ efforts to gaslight the country, polls show Americans hold Biden responsible. Fifty-eight percent disapprove of how Biden has handled the economy. A stunning 70 percent disapprove of how Biden has addressed inflation and gas prices. A clear majority — 68 percent of Americans — blame Biden for rising gas prices. And overall, Biden’s job approval rating sits at an embarrassing 36 percent.

Democrats will try to pull the wool over voters’ eyes this November. But if Democrats think the American people will fall for their broken promises and blame-shifting, they’re the fools.

Ronna McDaniel is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. Follow her on Twitter: @GOPChairwoman.