
Mexico demands investigation into killing of three men found in Phoenix

The Mexican government on Monday demanded an “ample and expedited” investigation into the deaths of three Mexican nationals whose bodies were found in an empty lot in Phoenix with signs of trauma.

In a statement, the Mexican Foreign Ministry condemned the deaths, which Phoenix Police is investigating as homicides.

Multiple reports cited the investigation as ongoing, and the Mexican statement said the local Mexican consulate will be in close contact with police throughout the investigations.

The three bodies were found in a vacant lot near a residential neighborhood in Phoenix. 

Phoenix Police and the Mexican consulate identified the three bodies as Abimael Jimenez Morenos, 16, Isauro Martinez Dominguez, 21, and Herminio Perez Ramirez, 28, all three originally from the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. 

While multiple reports and the Foreign Ministry’s statement alluded to the signs of trauma on the bodies, the nature of said trauma was not immediately made clear.

The Foreign Ministry said the Mexican government is in contact with the victims’ families and will assist in repatriating the migrants’ bodies. 

The causes of death have yet to be determined, according to a report by AZCentral.