
Biden campaign launches Spanglish health care ad

President Biden’s reelection campaign is launching a new health care ad Tuesday, delivered in Spanglish.

It’s part of a $14 million campaign of digital ads running in battleground states during May.

“For Latino communities already facing health care disparities, this election isn’t just about politics — it’s about survival. Latinos deserve a president who is fighting to make health care better and more affordable — and that’s exactly what President Biden has focused on in his first term,” said Biden-Harris 2024 campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.

“All of that is on the line if Trump ever sets foot in the White House again. His campaign for revenge and retribution means millions of Latinos and working families would lose their health insurance, while health care costs and the cost of prescription drugs would shoot through the roof in order to benefit his Big Pharma donors.”

The ad’s message, delivered in a mixture of Spanish and English, explicitly contrasts Biden and former President Trump on health care, accusing the Republican of cozying up to corporate interests while highlighting lower insulin costs under Biden.

The ad begins with a proverb in Spanish, “dime con quién andas y te dire quién eres,” which has become an unofficial motto of Hispanic Democrats in the Trump era, used in everything from stump speeches to TV ads.

The new ad translates the proverb as “you are who you hang out with,” before moving on to discuss “big greedy corporations” and Trump.

According to an UnidosUS poll of Latino voters, health care is the third-most-important issue for that group, cited by 33 percent of respondents as a top issue, only below jobs and inflation.

It’s also an issue that voters largely believe is better handled by Democrats than by Republicans.

Biden’s opening ad volley comes a month after his administration announced a rule to allow beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program access to Affordable Care Act marketplaces.