Sunday Talk Shows

GOP senators slam Democrats over inflation: Party agenda ‘hurting the poorest families’

Republican Sens. Rick Scott (Fla.) and Ron Johnson (Wis.) on Sunday slammed Democrats over inflation in interviews with John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM.

I always think about how do you help the poorest families in our country. Right now, the Democrats’ agenda is hurting the poorest families,” Scott said in the interview. 

“Everything has gotten more expensive because of the Democrats’ wasteful spending,” Scott said, pointing to higher prices for gas and food. 

The comments come after consumer prices rose by 6.8 percent in the year leading into November, marking the highest inflation rate since 1982.

Inflation has become a top concern among Americans, with 72 percent surveyed in a recent CNN poll saying the federal government is not doing enough to fix inflation and 70 percent saying the government needs to do more to fix supply chain issues. 

In another recent poll, conducted by ABC News-Ipsos, 69 percent of Americans surveyed said that they disapproved of President Biden’s handling of inflation.

“A lot of people don’t fully understand the double whammy that Democrat governance is enacting on America as it relates to inflation,” Johnson said. 

“They are passing all of this deficit spending on a partisan basis [which is] creating a lot more dollars,” Johnson adding, claiming Democrats are using that spending to pay Americans “not to work.”

Even as inflation has increased, unemployment in the country has dropped notably. The four-week moving average for unemployment claims leading into this week fell to its lowest level since 1969.