Sunday Talk Shows

Wallace confronts Trump on ‘mean tweets’ about him and Fox News

Fox News’s Chris Wallace confronted President Trump about his tweets attacking Wallace, noting his history of tough interviews with both Republicans and Democrats.

Wallace noted that “some people” were surprised Trump agreed to the interview, “especially because of some of the mean tweets that you’ve said about me. ‘Mike Wallace wannabe.’ ‘Nasty and obnoxious.’”

Wallace quipped that his son’s response to the latter tweet had been, “Nasty, no. Obnoxious, maybe.”

Wallace went on to point out his history of asking Democrats “probing questions” as well as Republicans, cutting to a clip of himself asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) if her promotion of tourism in San Francisco’s Chinatown earlier in the year constituted downplaying the threat of the coronavirus.

Trump responded by praising Wallace’s father, the late “60 Minutes” correspondent Mike Wallace, as “one of the most talented journalists,” calling the younger Wallace “likewise a very talented person” but accusing him of being “toward the Democrat side.”

“Watch the James Comey interview I did in December. You couldn’t do as tough an interview with Comey,” Wallace responded.

In the interview with the former FBI director, Wallace noted findings of “significant errors” in the the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process under Comey, with Comey admitting fault and Wallace responding, “You make it sound like you’re a bystander [or] an eyewitness … you were the director of the FBI while a lot of this was going on.”

“It just seems to me that you are very prone to be nice to the Democrats, and maybe I’m wrong about that, Chris,” Trump responded.