Sunday Talk Shows

Democratic senator: It’s ‘pretty clear’ Russia supports political right in US ‘over and over again’

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said Sunday that it’s “pretty clear” that Russia has backed conservatives “over and over again” when interfering with American politics.

“They are involved every single day and analysis of what they’ve been doing on Twitter since 2016 has been pretty clear,” Murphy said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “They are weighing in over and over again in support of right causes, in support of Donald Trump’s political agenda.”


Murphy emphasized that Russia has “never stopped interfering in American politics” and doesn’t just take action during and involving elections.

The Connecticut Democrat continued by saying President Trump has been a “gift” to Russia.


Murphy on Sunday also responded to earlier comments from national security adviser Robert O’Brien, who said on ABC News’s “This Week” that it was “no surprise” reports on Russian interference indicated the country is pushing for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to win the Democratic presidential nomination. 

“Our national security adviser should stay out of politics, and that is a political statement,” the senator said.

Murphy’s comments come after reports that Russia is already attempting to meddle in the 2020 election surfaced last week. The reports indicate the country is attempting to assist Trump win reelection and help Sanders become the Democratic nominee. 

U.S. intelligence has concluded Russia interfered with the 2016 election, in support of Trump, although the president and his allies have denied its findings.