State Watch

Border Patrol agent claims ‘cartels control the border’ in NewsNation interview

An anonymous Border Patrol agent claimed in a NewsNation interview that cartels, not U.S. officials, control the border.

In an interview with NewsNation’s Ali Bradley that will air Thursday night at 9 p.m. on a special edition of “Dan Abrams Live,” the agent painted a stark picture of border management.

“The biggest thing is that we do not control the border, the cartel controls the border. Everything that we do is a reaction to things that they have planned. Usually we’re chasing around pawns while the kings and queens are doing whatever they want,” said the agent.

The agent’s take is reflective of an agency that’s historically battled morale issues and struggled to recruit agents.

The Border Patrol’s role in processing historic numbers of migrants — many of whom are seeking asylum — has changed the face of the agency, as officers have been forced to spend more time processing asylum requests than patrolling “the line.”

Agents have also taken a heightened political role, as the National Border Patrol Council — the agency’s union — has been vocal on border management and immigration policy under the leadership of Brandon Judd, who is due to retire as president of the union later this month.

And organized crime has consistently expanded its footprint in Mexico, with cartels often charging smuggling operations a tax to provide their services to migrants in specific areas along the border.

Allegations of drug money influence at all levels of Mexican politics have also increased the perception of cartel control in Mexico, where the federal government has implemented a “hugs, not bullets” strategy of organized crime appeasement for nearly six years.