
Harry Reid predicts Democratic Senate pickups in Iowa, Alaska, Montana

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on Election Day that Democrats are “in good shape” in Nevada and predicted Senate victories in states including Iowa, Alaska and Montana.

Reid, appearing on “MSNBC Live” Tuesday afternoon, predicted that Democrats would retake the Senate majority this year.

“I think we’re going to win in Colorado, we’re going to win in Montana, we’re going to win in Maine, we’re going to win in North Carolina. We have two shots in Georgia. We’re going to win in Arizona, we’re going to win in Iowa and we’re going to win in Alaska,” he said.

Democratic candidates Mark Kelly and John Hickenlooper are polling ahead of GOP Sens. Martha McSally (Ariz.) and Cory Gardner (Colo.). However, most polling has shown incumbents Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Steve Daines (R-Mont.) ahead of their opponents.

After a series of polls showing Democratic candidate Theresa Greenfield ahead in Iowa, a recent Des Moines Register-Selzer poll showed Sen. Joni Ernst (R) in the lead.

The former Nevada senator did not predict whether Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), who faces a tough reelection battle, would win, but added “I sure hope he loses.”

“It’s very hard for me to say this, because Lindsey and I have worked together on stuff, but when John McCain died, he just went to the dark side. He was happier playing golf with Donald Trump,” Reid said. “I hope that Lindsey loses. That’s difficult for me to say, but I sure hope he loses.”

Reid also said President Trump has disrupted the nation’s two-party system by “ruining the brand” of the Republican Party.

“That’s why you have the Lincoln Project and many other Republicans who are outwardly saying we can’t have Trump again, we gotta get rid of him, because he’s ruining the Republican Party,” Reid added, referencing the anti-Trump GOP group. “And that’s the truth.”