
Durbin undergoes hip replacement surgery

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) leaves the weekly Senate Democratic policy luncheon on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), 79, said he underwent a “successful” hip replacement surgery Wednesday and will remain in Illinois as he recovers.

The No. 2 Senate Democrat will return to Washington once he is cleared to travel by his doctor, Durbin’s office said in a statement.

“Today, I had a routine hip replacement surgery in Chicago. I’m grateful to the medical staff at RUSH for today’s successful procedure, and I look forward to a speedy recovery and climbing the Capitol steps again as soon as possible,” Durbin, who has been in office since 1997, said in a statement.

The surgery was performed on his left hip and took place at RUSH Oak Brook Surgery Center in Illinois.

The high-ranking Democrat had a knee replacement surgery in October 2023 at the same hospital. He also underwent an outpatient heart procedure in 2017, and a tumor found in his stomach in 2010 was determined to be noncancerous.

The Senate is not in session this week, and members will return after the Fourth of July holiday weekend.