
Cruz releases ad targeting O’Rourke for defending NFL protests

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released an ad Monday targeting his midterm opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas), for defending NFL players who kneel in protest during the national anthem.

“Nothing more American? Liberal Hollywood was thrilled,” the ad says after showing a clip of O’Rourke praising protesting during the national anthem. “But do Texans agree?”

The ad then shows Marine Corps Sgt. Tim Lee, a retired combat veteran, saying, “Whoever believed that we would have issues about whether you’re gonna stand during the national anthem or not?”

The video explains that Lee lost both his legs when he stepped on a landmine in Vietnam.

“I gave two legs for this country. I’m unable to stand, but I sure expect you to stand for me when that national anthem is being played,” Lee says in the video.  

As it closes, the ad asks voters, “Where will you stand?”

Cruz went after O’Rourke for his comments on the NFL protests last Thursday, lambasting them as the sort of move that appeals to the liberal elite in Hollywood.

O’Rourke’s video went viral last week, propelling the senatorial candidate into the national spotlight.