
Palin on McCain’s death: ‘Today we lost an American original’

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) on Saturday mourned her one-time runningmate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who died at the age of 81 after battling an aggressive form of brain cancer.

“Today we lost an American original,” Palin tweeted. “Sen. John McCain was a maverick and a fighter, never afraid to stand for his beliefs. John never took the easy path in life – and through sacrifice and suffering he inspired others to serve something greater than self.”

“John McCain was my friend,” she continued. “I will remember the good times. My family and I send prayers for Cindy and the McCain family.”

Palin was the GOP vice presidential nominee during McCain’s presidential campaign against Democratic candidate Barack Obama in 2008.


The giant of the Senate and Vietnam War veteran died one day after the McCain family announced that he would be discontinuing medical treatment for brain cancer, stating that the “progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age” had rendered “their verdict.”

McCain was diagnosed with an aggressive glioblastoma in July 2017.

He survived years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam before becoming a leading actor on the political stage for decades.