
Attorney: Alleged Rand Paul assault had nothing to do with politics

The attorney for the man accused of assaulting Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), breaking five of his ribs, on Monday said the incident had nothing to do with politics, Fox News reports

“The unfortunate occurrence of November 3rd has absolutely nothing to do with either’s politics or political agendas. It was a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,” said Matthew Baker, who is representing Rene Boucher.

“We sincerely hope that Senator Paul is doing well and that these two gentlemen can get back to being neighbors as quickly as possible.”

Boucher, Paul’s next-door neighbor, allegedly assaulted the senator Friday afternoon outside his home.

“It is a pending, serious criminal matter involving state and federal authorities. We won’t have any further comments at this time,” said Doug Stafford, Paul’s chief of staff, on Monday.

Boucher was charged with misdemeanor fourth-degree assault, though he could face upgraded charges due to the extent of Paul’s injuries, The Washington Post reported.

Paul’s broken ribs could cause him lasting pain for months. It is unclear when he will return to Washington, as the injury prevents him from traveling and flying.

Boucher and Paul have been neighbors for 17 years and worked together when they were both practicing physicians, Baker said Monday.