
McConnell: ‘Winners make policy, losers go home’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday pushed back on protesters at a speech in Kentucky, declaring that “winners make policy and losers go home.”

Speaking in Lawrenceburg, Ky., McConnell was met by nearly 1,000 protesters, some of whom chanted “No ban, no wall, Mitch McConnell take our call,” the Associated Press reported.

He told local business leaders who attended his speech that the U.S. is an “open country where you can express your points of view as long as you do it peacefully.”

{mosads}”And we’re proud of that. So I’m proud of those folks out there,” he said, referring to the protesters.

“They don’t much like what I’m doing. They don’t share my agenda. But I respect their right to be there and to express themselves, because that’s what we do in this country,” he continued. 

He added that protests are common in the U.S.

“And we respect everybody’s right to express themselves. Now I’m going to express myself,” he said. “Why are they protesting? They didn’t like the results of the election.”

McConnell said the current administration is pursuing an agenda that “folks outside don’t agree with.”

“They had their shot in the election. … But in this country when you win the election you get to make policy. I always remind people, winners make policy and losers go home.”

McConnell also answered questions about the GOP’s plan to repeal ObamaCare and regulations on the financial industry.

One woman questioned McConnell about the many coal jobs gone from eastern Kentucky, telling him that “if you can answer any of that, I’ll sit down and shut up like Elizabeth Warren.”

Earlier this month, Senate Republicans voted to rebuke Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), arguing Warren had broken Senate rules by personally attacking then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) during a debate on his nomination to be attorney general.

“I hope you feel better now,” McConnell said after she asked her question.