
Meghan McCain to join Jewish groups for solidarity rally in DC

Meghan McCain is set to participate in a solidarity rally with Jewish groups on Capitol Hill this weekend.

McCain tweeted Thursday that she would join the “No Fear Rally” on Sunday “in support of the Jewish American community and against the rising threats of anti semitism in our country.”

“Anyone in the Washington D.C. area please come and join us!” she added.

According to a Times of Israel report, actress Noa Tishby, activist Blake Flayton and Arizona state Rep. Alma Hernandez (D) are slated to speak at the rally.

Rally co-organizer Elisha Wiesel, son of the late human rights advocate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, told the Times that “Jews are fed up with feeling like nobody is showing up to stand with them,” adding he hopes to create “as big a tent as possible” to respond to antisemitism.

McCain, who is the daughter of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), announced last week that she will leave her co-host position at ABC’s “The View” at the end of July.