
Mueller releases list of 35 potential witnesses for Manafort’s Virginia trial

Special counsel Robert Mueller is planning to call 35 witnesses to the stand during the trial starting Tuesday against President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

The list of witnesses includes Richard Gates, who was indicted alongside Manafort on charges of bank and tax fraud, but pleaded guilty.


The prosecution is also planning to call Democratic operative Tad Devin, who served as Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) chief strategist when he ran for president in 2016, and Manafort’s assistant, Alex Trusko. 

Trusko granted FBI investigators access to a storage locker containing evidence Manafort tried to keep out of the trial, according to media reports.

The list also includes the names of the five financial professionals for whom Judge T.S. Ellis agreed to grant immunity in exchange for their testimony against Manafort: James Brennan, Donna Duggan, Conor O’Brien, Cindy Laporta and Dennis Raico.

The trial begins with jury selection and is expected to last three weeks.