
Comedian who allegedly prank-called Trump: If I duped Jared Kushner, so did the Russians

The comedian who claims White House senior adviser Jared Kushner connected him to President Trump during a prank phone call says if he could dupe the Trump administration official, so could the Kremlin.

“If you think Jared Kushner was not duped by the Russians, come on,” John Melendez told TMZ on Sunday night. “I duped him.” 


Melendez says he tricked Kushner, who is also Trump’s son-in-law, into getting his call to Trump transferred to Air Force One. Menendez pretended to be New Jersey Sen. Bob Mendenez (D) and released audio of the subsequent conversation.

In the interview with TMZ, Melendez also took a swipe at Trump, saying it was “unbelievable” how easy it was to deceive the president.

“If this stuttering idiot can get through to Donald Trump that quickly, then who else could?” The comedian asked TMZ outside of his home in California’s San Fernando Valley.

Trump is supposed to be the leader of the free world, Melendez said.

“At the very least, I exposed how easy it is to infiltrate the White House,” Melendez said. “Donald Trump should be ashamed about that … some heads have got to roll over there.”

Melendez said late Sunday night that he hired Stormy Daniels’s attorney Michael Avenatti to represent him as the White House and Secret Service investigate the call.

The comedian told TMZ on Sunday that he was scheduled for a meeting with the Secret Service on Monday.

He said he’s not afraid that he’s facing jail time.

The White House has reportedly launched an internal investigation into how Melendez was able to get connected with the president, ABC reported. 

Melendez brings up the current migrant crisis and Trump’s executive order to stop separating migrant families at the southern border.