
Fox News host rips Trump: You’re the president, why don’t you act like it?

Fox News host Neil Cavuto took aim at President Trump on Monday, criticizing him over recent tweets and calling for him to act like the president.

Cavuto during his show brought up Trump’s tweets lashing out at LaVar Ball for not giving the president enough credit in the release of UCLA basketball players, including Ball’s son, detained in China.

He also referenced Trump’s attacks on Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Trump called Flake’s political career “toast” after Flake, who is not running for reelection, was caught on a hot mic criticizing Trump and Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore.

“Forget about either comment not being presidential. At what point does the president see such remarks don’t even border on being human?” Cavuto said.

Cavuto said Trump is “using a bazooka to respond to a pea shooter.”

“Is it really necessary?” he asked.

“Keep tweeting stuff like that, Mr. President, and those tax cuts just could be toast.”

Cavuto said Trump has the White House and all the advantages of “being the most powerful human being on the planet.”

“Let your achievements speak for themselves. Let your clear influence to get those players out of China speak for you. Not a kid’s dad who just might be embarrassed, but that kid and his buddies who already told the nation and you they were grateful,” Cavuto said.

He called for Trump to pick his fights.

“Because neither of these seems worth the fuss,” Cavuto said. 

“Last time I checked, you are the president of the United States. Why don’t you act like it?”