
Steyer launches second ad in Trump impeachment campaign

Democrat mega-donor Tom Steyer on Thursday launched an ad targeting the GOP tax-reform legislation, the second ad in his campaign to impeach President Trump.

“This president and the Republican Congress are making a bad situation even worse,” Steyer said in a statement. 


Steyer announced last week that he would pour an additional $10 million into his ‘Need to Impeach’ campaign, bringing his total spend so far to $20 million.

In the ad, Steyer slams the Republican plan for taxes as a means to cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy.

“They won’t tell you that their so-called tax-reform plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations while hurting the middle class,” Steyer says in the ad.

“It blows up the deficit, and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation,” Steyer added in the statement.

The end of the ad displays a graphic suggesting viewers sign the petition to impeach Trump, which the campaign says has received 2.3 million signatures.

“It’s up to all of us to stand up to this president, not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed,” Steyer says in the ad. “Join us. Your voice matters.”

While the House is expected on Thursday to pass its own version of the tax-reform legislation, the Senate’s bill may face a tougher road.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson (Wis.) said Wednesday that he will not back the upper chamber’s legislation.