
Gold Star mom who protested Bush: Bush ‘was no better’ than Trump

A Gold Star mom who led protests against former President George W. Bush in 2005, said in an interview published Tuesday that Bush was no better than President Trump when it comes to dealing with the families of fallen soldiers.

“I think that in 2017 presidents having to comfort grieving families who had loved ones killed in war is barbaric, because war is barbaric,” Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, told The Daily Beast when asked how Trump and Bush compared at handling such situations. 

“Trump has proven himself to be a loose cannon who doesn’t seem to have very many social graces. But Bush was no better,” she said.

Sheehan said she wished the conversation was about the “barbarism of war.”

“And, in this instance, why are there special ops forces in Niger?” she said.

“Where is the movement to oppose U.S. wars, instead of liberal handwringing over botched messages of condolence?” she asked. {mosads}

More than 10 years ago, Bush came under attack from Sheehan, whose son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, had been killed in Iraq.

Cindy Sheehan set up a protest camp outside Bush’s Texas ranch in the summer of 2005. 

At the time, Bush said he sympathized with Sheehan.

“She feels strongly about her position and she has every right in the world to say what she believes,” Bush said at the time. “This is America. She has the right to her position.”

Bush added that he believed the U.S. leaving Iraq at that point as Sheehan desired would “be a mistake for the security of this country.”

During the interview with The Daily Beast, Sheehan was also asked about the controversy over Trump’s comments to the widow of a fallen soldier.

Sheehan said the U.S. should not have had special forces in Niger in the first place.

“My heart goes out to the family,” she said. “But our young people do not have any idea what they are getting themselves into when they join the U.S. military.”