
Sanders: Trump ‘proposals written by the billionaire class’

Senator Bernie Sanders on Saturday will call Trump’s economic policies “precisely what the extreme right wing billionaire Koch brothers have been pushing for decades,” according to an excerpt of his planned speech for “The People’s Summit” in Chicago.
“Mr. Trump: do not tell us you are a friend of the working class,” Sanders continues in the excerpts. He particularly targets Trump’s  budget and healthcare proposals. “Your proposals were written by the billionaire class, for the billionaire class. You have cynically and dishonestly turned your back on the pain and despair felt today by the working class people across this country.”
Sanders goes on to share his vision for the Democratic Party, which “cannot continue to be a party of the East Coast and the West Coast.” The working people of “Mississippi and Wyoming… will support a progressive agenda – if we bring that agenda to them,” the speech reads.
These remarks emphasize many of the key issues of the senator’s widely-supported 2016 campaign for president, which emphasized the unequal taxation of America’s “billionaire class,” raising the minimum wage, and the need for heavy government investment in the job market and health care system.
The summit gathers progressive activists from across the country. Speakers include controversial Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour and CNN’s Van Jones.