
Glenn Beck on budget cuts: ‘I am so pro-Trump right now’

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck on Thursday praised the dramatic cuts to government agencies and departments proposed in President Trump’s first federal budget blueprint.

“I am so pro-Trump right now,” Beck, an outspoken critic of Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, said on his show while listing various federal entities facing major funding reductions.

Among various proposed cuts, Beck defended the president’s plan to slash funds for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


“They make enough money,” he said. “There’s no reason why we are funding them still, none whatsoever.”

“There should be no doubt – ‘Sesame Street’ makes more money than any other show,” Beck added of a popular children’s show under the corporation’s umbrella. “[It] always has been. There’s no reason why we’re paying for that.”

“[We’re] in the world where [National Public Radio] is the No. 1 podcast. They’re No. 1 in many, many cities on radio [and] their television shows are now being sold all around the world.”

Trump earlier Thursday unveiled a federal budget blueprint calling for deep reductions at multiple agencies and departments, potentially eliminating entire programs and slashing the size of the federal workforce.

Federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities would be terminated, along with money for more than a dozen other agencies.

Presidential budgets are only a guidance for Congress and lawmakers usually pass their own version relying on their control over the power of the purse. Some Republicans have already voiced their opposition to Trump’s budget proposal.