
Tucker Carlson doubles down on mocking ‘illiterate’ Jill Biden

Fox News host Tucker Carlson doubled down on mocking incoming first lady Jill Biden on his Wednesday show, labeling her as “illiterate” and blasting her doctoral dissertation. 

On his Wednesday show, Carlson continued his criticism against Biden and her doctoral degree in education, piling on earlier attacks after The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed last week encouraging her not to use the “Dr.” title as a nonmedical doctor.

On air, Carlson took to criticizing and nitpicking Biden’s doctoral dissertation, which she earned from the University of Delaware in 2007, calling it “our national shame.”

“Dr. Jill needs reading glasses,” he said. “Either that or she’s borderline illiterate. There are typos everywhere including in the first graph of the introduction. Dr. Jill can’t write. She can’t really think clearly either.”

“The whole thing is just incredibly embarrassing and not simply to poor illiterate Jill Biden but to the college that considered this crap scholarship, embarrassing in fact to our entire system of higher education, to the nation itself,” Carlson added. 

The Fox News host, who regularly scrutinizes President-elect Joe Biden, began his segment by detailing an imaginary incident in which the viewer has a massive coronary, is taken to Jill Biden instead of a medical doctor and therefore dies.

In his criticism of her dissertation, Carlson pointed out numerical inconsistencies and said parts “seem to be written in a foreign language in English words” and are “pure nonsense.”

But he warned viewers, “Whatever you do, do not make fun of it. If you dare to notice that Dr. Jill isn’t a supergenius, you hate all women. You’re a dangerous misogynist.”

He also argued that the incoming first lady and others use “fake” credentials to “justify their power over you.”

Carlson’s Wednesday segment comes after he already condemned Jill Biden on Monday for using the “Dr.” title, saying she is a “not a doctor” except “maybe in the same sense Dr Pepper is.”

The Journal’s op-ed sparked massive backlash, with critics slamming it as “misogynistic” for instructing a woman not to use the “Dr.” title. The newspaper stood by its publication of the op-ed, arguing that the criticism was legitimate and Jill Biden “can’t be off-limits.”

A representative for the incoming first lady did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Carlson’s Wednesday show. 

But she addressed the opinion piece in a tweet on Sunday saying, “Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished.” Other prominent women such as former first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have flocked to support her.