
Biden spokesman ducks answering Fox’s Baier on Biden teleprompter use

Biden 2020 national press secretary T.J. Ducklo refused to answer Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Thursday as he repeatedly asked whether Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign is providing the former vice president a teleprompter during question-and-answer sessions with reporters and supporters.

The Biden aide made an appearance on Baier’s “Special Report” and accused the anchor of using “Trump campaign talking points” in asking about whether the campaign uses teleprompters to answer questions during briefings.

“Has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or to answer Q&As with supporters?” Baier asked.

“We’re not,” Ducklo said, before shifting to saying Baier was using “Trump campaign talking points.”

“Well, yeah, they’re using it,” Baier replied. 

“What it does, Bret, it’s trying to distract the American people,” Ducklo argued. 

“They’re using it, they talk about it every day. Can you say yes or no?” Baier pressed. 

“They talk about it every day, Bret, because they don’t have a coherent strategy” Ducklo replied.

“Well you haven’t answered, yes or no,” Baier injected.

“They talk about it every day because they don’t have a coherent argument for why Donald Trump deserves reelection, deserves four more years,” Ducklo said. “We know that he lied to the American people and has not shown leadership, and they’re desperate they can to throw anything against the wall for that fact.”

“I understand, but you can’t answer the question,” Baier noted.

“I am not going to allow the Trump campaign to funnel their questions through Fox News and get me to respond to that,” Ducklo said of the questioning.

The anchor’s question may have been prompted by an interview excerpt earlier this week showing Biden being virtually interviewed. At one point, Biden is asked a question but says “move it up here” to someone off camera before responding.


Biden will take part in a live CNN town hall next week from his hometown of Scranton, Pa.