
Food columnist Alison Roman out at the NY Times after controversial remarks on Teigen, Kondo

New York Times food columnist Alison Roman has parted ways with the publication after making controversial comments in a recent interview about TV personalities Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo.  

“This was a huge shake-up for me both personally and professionally, and I’m still processing so much, but know that I’m working on it and thinking about it 24/7,” Roman, 34, wrote on Instagram on Tuesday.

“The issues brought to light by this whole thing won’t be fixed overnight, and the healing process for many will be long, but I’m committed to doing the work to make it better,” she said.

“For the foreseeable future, you can find me in that newsletter I started 3 years ago and never sent out lol. There will be recipes, reader emails, recommendations, and discussions about things that I hope you will like or find helpful,” she continued.

“In lieu of the comments section or DMs, I encourage you to submit questions/comments/concerns to, the idea being to share some of them in the newsletter (I am learning ‘the comments section’ is not the best place for public discourse).”

Roman found herself at the center of controversy after remarks made in an interview earlier this month with “The New Consumer,” a publication that explores “how and why people spend their time and money.”

Teigen “had a successful cookbook. And then it was like: Boom, line at Target. Boom, now she has an Instagram page that has over a million followers where it’s just, like, people running a content farm for her,” Roman said.

“That horrifies me and it’s not something that I ever want to do. I don’t aspire to that. But like, who’s laughing now? Because she’s making a ton of f—ing money,” she said.

Teigen, a former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, is the star of “Chrissy’s Court” on Quibi and the wife of star singer John Legend. 

Roman, who has penned her biweekly column for the Times’s food section since 2018, also took aim at Kondo, an organizing expert and star of Netflix’s “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.”

“When Marie Kondo decided to capitalize on her fame and make stuff that you can buy, that is completely antithetical to everything she’s ever taught you,” Roman said.

“That’s the thing — you don’t need a ton of equipment in your kitchen to make great food. ‘For the low, low price of $19.99, please to buy my cutting board!’ Like, no. Find the stuff that you love and buy it. Support businesses and makers. It feels greedy. Unless something just simply didn’t exist that I wish existed, but that would make an inventor, which I’m not,” she added.

“Please to buy my cutting board” was the subject of considerable criticism, as it was seen as mocking Kondo’s Japanese accent.

“I used their names disparagingly to try and distinguish myself, which I absolutely do not have an excuse for,” Roman later wrote in an apology. “It was stupid, careless and insensitive.”

“I need to learn, and respect, the difference between being unfiltered and honest vs. being uneducated and flippant,” she continued. “The burden is not on them (or anyone else) to teach me, and I’m deeply sorry that my learning came at Chrissy and Marie’s expense.”

The Hill has reached out to The New York Times for comment.