
Fox News’s Brit Hume: Trump’s ‘star has faded’

Former President Trump talks with people at Mar-a-Lago on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022, in Palm Beach, Fla

Brit Hume, senior political analyst for Fox New, says former President Trump’s time as the shining star and undisputed leader of the Republican Party could be coming to an end.

“While he maintains real influence within the Republican Party, no two ways about that, but it has begun to fade,” Hume said Monday on the network.

Trump’s favorability among Republicans, Hume argued, started to decline “after his antics post-election in 2020.”

“A great many people who were with him perhaps up until then began to move away from him,” Hume said. “He never has really done anything to change that, he has continued to insist that the election was stolen from him, that he should be the real president and so forth.”

Candidates in last week’s midterm elections who backed Trump’s false claims of a “rigged” presidential election in 2020 “did not fair particularly well,” Hume noted.

“A lot of them did lose and a lot of them lost in races that they could have won,” the pundit continued. “So I think that in terms of opinion and in terms of influence, his star has faded. That doesn’t mean he is not a big factor and that getting past him for the Republicans looking ahead to 2024 is going to be, it could be ugly. It could be bloody. Could be painful. Could cause enough Republicans who were for Trump to, you know, to move away, be disaffected in 2024. So that’s the hardest job they have, is to try to work around Trump.”

Hume’s comments come as a number of hosts and pundits on Fox News have been debating Trump’s place in the GOP and whether he is the best candidate for Republicans to nominate for the White House ahead of Trump’s expected 2024 announcement Tuesday evening.