
Vanity Fair: NY Times ‘torn’ on whether to fire Glenn Thrush over sexual misconduct allegations

High-level figures at The New York Times are “torn” over whether to fire White House correspondent Glenn Thrush amid allegations of sexual misconduct, according to a report Tuesday from Vanity Fair.  

A source told the magazine that management is grappling with the allegations against Thrush, who was suspended this week after Vox published a report detailing allegations of inappropriate advances toward female journalists.


“I honestly don’t think anyone in leadership feels like they can make a judgment until they understand, more fully, exactly what the behavior was,” another source within the Times told Vanity Fair.

The Times is conducting an investigation into the allegations. 

The Vox report published on Monday details of allegations from three women, including the article’s author Laura McGann, who said that Thrush made unwanted advances on them. 

Thrush apologized in a statement.

“I apologize to any woman who felt uncomfortable in my presence, and for any situation where I behaved inappropriately,” he wrote. “Any behavior that makes a woman feel disrespected or uncomfortable is unacceptable.”

Thrush is among several men in media, business, politics and beyond who have faced allegations of sexual impropriety and harassment in recent weeks. On Tuesday, CBS fired television host Charlie Rose after allegations of sexual misconduct.

Thrush, a high-profile reporter, also has a book deal with his Times colleague Maggie Haberman. Publisher Random House is also weighing what to do in the wake of the allegations, according to Vanity Fair.