
Ann Coulter: Trump needs to ‘be a man’ in dealing with AG Sessions

Conservative author Ann Coulter said that President Trump needs to “be a man” and decide whether or not to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in an email sent to the Washington Post. 

“Be a man — if you don’t want Sessions, then fire him. You’re the PRESIDENT,” Coulter said in the email, according to The Washington Post’s Robert Costa. 

“It’s starting to feel like Capt. Queeg,” she said. “He’s screwing with Sessions? Wow, is that treacherous!”

{mosads}Coulter’s comments come after Trump said in a press conference Tuesday that he’s “very disappointed” with Sessions as the attorney general, and that “time will tell” if he fires him. 

Sessions previously offered Trump his resignation after the president voiced his frustration with the attorney general’s decision to recuse himself from the probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. 

“Despite being better on immigration than Trump is, Sessions is very well liked in the Senate,” Coulter later tweeted. “Trump is not.” 

Coulter, formerly a vocal supporter of President Trump and author of “In Trump We Trust,” has recently taken to criticizing him on a number of issues, and bashed his slow implementation of immigration policies in a series of tweets in June.