
Many House GOP lawmakers indicate they don’t think Biden is ‘cognitively strong enough’ to be president

President Joe Biden speaks an event in Largo, Md., Sept. 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

When asked during a segment with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity whether any of them think President Biden is “cognitively strong enough” for the top spot, it appeared no House GOP members present for the segment raised their hands.

During a live interview with several GOP leaders and an audience of Republican lawmakers Wednesday night, Hannity said: “Raise your hand high if you think Joe Biden is cognitively strong enough to be our president. Is there anybody?”

No lawmaker raised their hand, while one person said, “wrong room.”

The response came shortly after Fox News showed an advertisement from the Republican National Committee showing Biden appearing to stumble over his words.

Asked about the video, and if Biden is cognitively and mentally “strong enough” to be president, newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told Hannity: “I think every American feels the same way we do. You heard gasps in the room; it’s painful for us to watch. I think it’s very dangerous.”

“This is a dangerous time on the world stage — we have to project strength, and projecting weakness invites the wolves, and so we know that, and that’s why it’s so difficult for us to watch that,” he continued.

Republicans have taken aim at Biden’s age, as well as physical and mental competency since his 2020 campaign. The criticism has continued throughout his time in the White House and was further fueled after Biden announced he would seek a second term.

Biden, 80, is the oldest U.S. president. If reelected in 2024, he would be 86 at the end of his second term.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) echoed this sentiment, comparing Biden to professional athletes who “stick around a little too long.”

“But like every professional athlete … sometimes they stick around the zones,” Emmer said. “Sometimes they stick around a little too long; they stick around after they’ve lost a little speed.”

Members of Biden’s own party have also expressed worries over his age and ability to carry out a full second term. Multiple polls in recent months have shown an uptick in Democrats’ concerns over the president’s physical and mental competence

The president has argued that while it is fair for voters to discuss his age, they should judge him based on his ability to perform the job.