
Pro-ObamaCare groups target Republicans who voted for GOP healthcare plan

A coalition of pro-ObamaCare advocacy groups is launching an ad blitz targeting vulnerable Republicans who backed the GOP healthcare plan.

The group, Save My Care, is launching a $500,000-plus TV ad campaign, Politico reported.

The targets of the campaign include Reps. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), Bruce Poliquin (R-Maine), Don Young (R-Alaska), Mark Amodei (R-Nev.) and Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.).

An online version of the ads will go after another 19 Republicans, according to Politico.

{mosads}The ad says the swing-district lawmakers repealed “healthcare” and supported a “disastrous” bill.

“McSally voted to raise your costs and cut coverage for millions, to let insurance companies deny affordable coverage for cancer treatment and maternity care, and charge five times more for people over 50,” a male narrator says in an ad targeting McSally.

“McSally voted yes, even though the bill makes coverage completely unaffordable to people with pre-existing conditions,” the ad continues. “Congresswoman McSally, how could you do this to us?”

The House last week narrowly passed legislation aimed at repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.
On Sunday, top President Trump officials and GOP leaders touted the House GOP plan, even as it faces an uncertain future as it heads to the Senate.