
McCarthy hauls in $31.5M in first quarter

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) hauled in $31.5 million in campaign funding during the first quarter of the year, breaking his own record he set last year at nearly $27 million in the first quarter of 2021.

McCarthy announced he has raised a total of $104 million ahead of the upcoming midterm elections, touting the accumulating GOP campaign funds as evidence of voter enthusiasm.

“As election day draws nearer, the energy and enthusiasm for Republicans to take back the House has never been stronger. I want to thank our supporters for their generosity and faith in our mission to win back the House majority,” he said in a statement.

McCarthy said he has transferred a total of $37 million to the National Republican Congressional Committee for their campaign efforts across the country as Republicans strive to take back the House after losing it to Democrats in 2018.

In 2020, Republicans narrowed the Democrats’ House majority and are expected to make further gains in the midterms, with President Biden’s public opinion rating at record lows and inflation still soaring. Midterm elections historically go poorly for the president’s party.

Democrats hold 221 seats in the House compared to 209 Republican seats.

McCarthy’s fundraising has been steadily climbing since the 2020 election — he broke another record last year when he raised close to $60 million in the first nine months of 2021, beating out a previous high set in 2019.

McCarthy, who has represented California’s 23rd District since 2006, is favored to easily win his own race come election day.

The latest data on McCarthy’s campaign chest shows the Republican had $8 million cash on hand at the beginning of the year.

McCarthy said in a statement that the money he’s raised will “help ensure our candidates have the resources necessary to compete and win this November.”

“Our nation is suffering greatly under the Biden-Pelosi regime and the American people deserve better,” he said. “Let’s Take Back the House!”