
Most Utah voters say Trump should not run again in 2024: poll

A majority of voters in Utah believe that former President Trump should not run again, according to a new poll released on Wednesday.

A poll conducted by OH Predictive Insights indicated that 54 percent of registered voters in Utah believe that Trump should not run again in 2024, compared to 35 percent of those who believe he should.

While the research firm indicated that the numbers differed along partisan lines, the percentage of Republican voters who said they would like Trump to run again was 53 percent, and OH Predictive Insights said this was mostly driven by Republicans in the 18- to 54-year-old demographic.

The poll found that 62 percent of Republicans ages 18 to 54 years old believe the former president should run again compared to 38 percent of Republicans ages 55 years old and up.

Among other political parties polled regarding whether Trump should run again, nine percent of Democrats and 20 percent of independents said he should make a bid for 2024. 

“Even in a state that former President Trump won in the 2020 election, a majority of Utah’s electorate isn’t interested in a ‘Trump comeback,’ ” Mike Noble, OHPI Chief of Research, said in a statement. “With only a fifth of Independents and even fewer Democrats wanting Trump to run again, he may not be a viable candidate in the Beehive State next time around.”

The poll found that given eight different options for GOP candidates, Trump would fare the best at this point in a Republican presidential primary among GOP Utahans, receiving 43 percent of their support.

The candidate with the second-highest percentage of support is Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) at 20 percent.

The poll comes as Trump has not yet announced whether he will make a 2024 bid though Republicans anticipate he is likely to run again. 

The poll was conducted from Nov. 5-15 and surveyed 671 voters with a margin of error of 3.8 percent.

The Hill has reached out to a spokesperson for Trump for comment.