
Elder’s ex-fiancée files complaint with police over domestic abuse allegations

Alexandra Datig, the former fiancée of conservative radio host and California gubernatorial recall candidate Larry Elder, has filed a formal complaint with the Los Angeles Police Department over allegations of domestic abuse.

Police confirmed that a complaint was made and that they were investigating the accusations but said they could not provide additional comment.

Datig, who provided the complaint to The Hill, alleges “several incidents of domestic violence,” including that Elder brandished a gun during an altercation.

He is also fighting off reports that he has used demeaning language about women.

Datig said that she did not file a complaint during her relationship with Elder out of fear but decided to do so now after hearing him deny her claims about the gun.

“It’s time to draw the line,” Datig told Politico. “I am not the one who has to come clean about my life. He is.”

The complaint includes allegations that Elder pressured her to have an “open relationship” and “unwanted sexual activity” and “pushed” her in one instance, saying, “I don’t want you.” The complaint also detailed the incident in which Elder allegedly brandished his gun, a moment during which Datig said, “I feared for my life and feared he would kill me.”

“He was angry and exhibited hostility towards me in the form of silent scorn during our conversation,” Datig said in her statement to police. “He proceeded to open the drawer and reached inside for his .45 caliber revolver. Making sure the firearm was in my view, he opened the cylindrical, rotating part of the revolver checking to make sure the gun was loaded with cartridges. He proceeded to close the cylinder, again, making sure the firearm was in my view and then proceeded to put the firearm back in the drawer.”

“Elder’s act of extreme threatening behavior and hostility causes me great anxiety to this day and I feel compelled to report it, as he is currently publicly denying in the media this incident occurred,” she said in the complaint. “Because if his denial, there is hostile threatening behavior towards me on social media.”

Elder’s campaign pointed to the his earlier response to Datig’s initial allegation, maintaining he never brandished a gun at her.

“I have never brandished a gun at anyone. I grew up in South Central; I know exactly how destructive this type of behavior is. It’s not me, and everyone who knows me knows it’s not me,” Elder said in the statement. “These are salacious allegations. People do not get into public life precisely because of this type of politics of personal destruction. I am not going to dignify this with a response—it’s beneath me.”

The radio host announced his candidacy in the recall election last month and soon began polling better than any contender positioned to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) if he’s booted in the Sept. 14 election. However, both Democrats and Republicans say the allegations from Datig could help Newsom survive the recall election.

—Updated at 1:01 p.m.