
Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder enters California recall election against Newsom

Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder has announced a bid for governor in California’s recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D). 

Elder, a regular Fox News guest with a nationally syndicated show, announced his run on Monday night after teasing an announcement earlier in the day. 

His campaign website refers to him as the “Sage from South Central,” the part of Los Angeles where he grew up.

“I’m running for Governor because the decline of California isn’t the fault of its people. Our government is what’s ruining the Golden State,” his website says. “Our streets aren’t safe from rising violent crime or the disaster of rising homelessness. And the scandals of Sacramento aren’t going to stop on their own. It’s time to tell the truth. We’ve got a state to save.”

The Associated Press first reported his announcement to run.

“I have common sense. I have good judgment. I’m born and raised here. I think I understand the state,” he said.

Former Olympian and reality star Caitlyn Jenner is also running to unseat Newsom. 
The state’s recall election is set for Sept. 14. Newsom, despite facing backlash from conservatives over mask mandates and lockdowns, has a high popularity in the state. The governor is enjoying the benefits of posting a $38 billion budget surplus after fears that the coronavirus-ravaged economy would lead to steep deficits in 2021.