
Tim Scott launches reelection bid

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) officially launched his reelection campaign in North Charleston on Monday as Senate Republicans look to take back the majority in 2022. 

“I have never been more optimistic about the future of America and the limitless potential of the next generation,” Scott said in a statement. 

Scott’s campaign released a video along with his announcement highlighting a number of issues, including immigration, taxes, gas prices and “cancel culture.”

The video also featured a number of prominent Republicans, including former President Trump, former Vice President Pence, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praising Scott. 

The GOP senator is highly popular among Republicans in the ruby red state.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison attempted to oust Graham in what was one of the most-watched Senate races of 2020, but ultimately lost by roughly 10 points.

Scott has also been described as one of the faces of the future of the Republican Party. He is the only Black Republican serving in the Senate and has become a major GOP voice on issues regarding race. Scott was tapped earlier this year to deliver the response to President Biden’s joint address to Congress. Additionally, he has been floated as a potential presidential candidate. 

So far, South Carolina state Rep. Krystle Matthews (D) and Spartanburg County Democratic Party Chairwoman Angela Geter are planning to challenge Scott.