
Adviser says Biden campaign officials ‘feel very good about our pathways to victory’

Adviser Anita Dunn said Sunday that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign is “not leaving anything to chance,” but added that officials “feel very good about our pathways to victory” ahead of Tuesday’s election.

Dunn noted during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the former vice president, his wife Jill Biden, former President Obama, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who is the party’s vice presidential nominee, and other surrogates have “active” schedules campaigning for Biden across the country in the next two days.

“I think everybody is not leaving anything to chance,” she said. “We’re gonna work hard. We’re gonna work until the polls close. We’re gonna get every vote we can.”   

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Dunn if the former vice president will win Tuesday’s election, prompting her to answer, “I’m not in the prediction business, I’ll leave that to all of you.”

“But we feel confident about where we are, and we feel very confident about our pathways to victory,” she added. 

Dunn pointed out that this election year has been different in that the Biden campaign thinks it is  “competitive” in states including Georgia and Texas. 

“We’re campaigning in states that haven’t been competitive in decades,” Biden’s campaign adviser said. “We’ve expanded the map and we feel very good about our pathways to victory.”

Biden has been leading in national polls and maintaining a slight lead in several battleground states

But when ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Dunn during a separate interview whether the public will hear from Biden on election night “no matter what,” the adviser expressed caution.

“I think it will depend on where we are in the results, obviously you don’t want to go out prematurely, but you’re certainly gonna hear from the campaign and you may very well hear from the vice president.”