
Leading progressive group to launch pro-Biden ads in Arizona, Pennsylvania

The progressive group Justice Democrats, a vocal backer of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in this year’s presidential primaries, is launching an advertising blitz for Democratic nominee Joe Biden in key battleground states.

The six-figure ad buy is the group’s first expenditure in support of the former vice president in the general election. The ad is set to run in Pennsylvania and Arizona, two purple states that President Trump won in 2016 but where polling shows Biden leading.

The group’s digital ad appeals directly to voters on the Democratic Party’s left flank who are unenthusiastic about Biden. It features a mother describing the hardships she has faced during the coronavirus pandemic and excoriates the Trump administration for its handling of the virus.

“Maybe you don’t like the other guy running for president. I get it. I don’t like anyone right now,” she says. “But could you do me a favor? Take 10 minutes this November and f—ing vote.”

“Progressives understand what’s at stake in this election,” Alexandra Rojas, executive director of Justice Democrats, said in a statement. “A straightforward ‘tell-it-like-it-is’ ad like this can cut through for Joe Biden. The results have been showing us that the ad has been resonating with low-propensity Black and Latino voters, white women suburban swing voters, and Bernie-aligned millennials — all of whom have been going through hell these past few months.”

The group previously ran ads during the primaries blasting Biden’s record on Social Security, the Iraq War and his handling of the Senate confirmation hearing for Justice Clarence Thomas.