
QAnon-promoter Marjorie Taylor Greene endorses Kelly Loeffler in Georgia Senate bid

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) on Thursday touted an endorsement from Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican House candidate who is known for once promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory.

In a tweet, Loeffler referred to Greene as a “strong, conservative fighter” and thanked her for supporting her special election Senate bid. Loeffler is up for election after being appointed to replace Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), who resigned last year due to health reasons.

Loeffler’s embrace of Greene comes following decisions from multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, to crack down on accounts supporting the QAnon conspiracy, which baselessly alleges, among several other theories, that top Democratic politicians are linked to a supposed international ring of child sex traffickers.

Supporters of the theory have baselessly linked the alleged plot to Jewish billionaire George Soros, and frequently use anti-Semitic imagery and language in discussions about the theory.

Greene has attempted to disassociate herself from the QAnon movement, later walking back her support after finding “misinformation.” Earlier this year, in one of her posts supporting the theory, she characterized “Q” in a video unearthed by The Daily Beast, saying: “Many of the things that [Q] has given clues about and talked on 4Chan and other forums have really proven to be true.”

She has also walked back past statements that questioned the facts surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including her remarks questioning whether the Pentagon was hit by a missile during the attacks.

Loeffler’s Senate seat is seen as a potential pickup for Democrats eager to hand a Democratic Senate majority to former Vice President Joe Biden (D) should he win the presidential election next month.

Recent polls have shown Loeffler’s opponent, Democrat Raphael Warnock, leading a field of candidates including the two Republicans running for the special election seat, Loeffler and Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.).