
Eric Trump suggests clear podiums for presidential debates to avoid notes

President Trump’s son Eric Trump on Tuesday suggested that upcoming presidential debates should include clear podiums to prevent candidates from relying on notes, adding that reading prepared statements or information is not “the way the real world works.” 

During a phone interview on Tuesday’s “Mark Kaye Show,” Trump argued that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden relied too heavily on notes during the first presidential debate last week. 

“Biden is literally just reading off notes the entire time,” the president’s son claimed. “How about we do, like you know, clear podiums, right? So there are no notes.”

“I mean, when you’re talking to Putin, when you’re talking to Kim Jong Un, you’re not going to have flashcards that you’re going to look down at,” he added. “It’s not like the way the real world works … you have to be able to be quick on your feet and you have to actually be able to have a conversation.” 

“Stop with this notes nonsense,” Trump demanded. 

President Trump has used notes himself at past debates. One set of notes in 2016 against Hillary Clinton appeared to include the words: “No boots” “Predictable” and “Iran — policies.”

The suggestion comes after President Trump received criticism for his behavior during the first debate, with moderator Chris Wallace repeatedly calling on the president throughout the night to stop interrupting him and Biden. 

The next day, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced it would be considering changes to the format of the two upcoming presidential debates scheduled for October “to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues.”

One reported change being considered is allowing future moderators the option to shut off candidate microphones throughout the debate. Wallace, however, said he opposes this suggested move, telling The New York Times that “even if the president’s microphone had been shut, he still could have continued to interrupt.” 

Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis last week brings increased uncertainty surrounding the upcoming debates, with Biden saying Tuesday that “we shouldn’t have a debate” if the president is still infected with the virus. 

Steve Cortes, a senior adviser to Trump’s reelection campaign, said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” on Wednesday that the president will need to receive “medical clearance” before participating in the next presidential debate, which is scheduled Oct. 15 in Miami. 

The final presidential debate is expected to take place in Nashville on Oct. 22, while the first and only debate between the vice presidential nominees is scheduled for Wednesday night.